"I’m going to print this pattern onto fabric for my stations of the cross project. My station is number 6 - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. It feels symbolic to press my image onto fabric to represent this station.
I am not a Christian but my favourite part of Christian art is the symbolism -something equally prevalent in tattoo art. My bird and teardrop ‘tattoo design’ aims to marry the two.
I got slightly obsessed with tattoo iconography after reading about a tattoo stations project called Stations on the Skin: https://createvisualculture.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/cruciformity-stations-on-skin-the-designs-and-invite/
I read that wives of incarcerated husband’s would have teardrop tattoos to show their solidarity and loss. It seemed relevant for Veronica to have a teardrop tattoo on her face. She seems to me to represent all Christians in her actions and attitude towards Jesus’s journey with the cross and his suffering."
see also chloe's tumblr here - http://chloesmithprints.tumblr.com/image/115376985907